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Walkthrough: Examining DSHARP AS 209 Weights and Exporting Visibilities#
In this walkthrough tutorial, we’ll use CASA tools to examine the visibilities, visibility residuals, and weights of a real multi-configuration dataset from the DSHARP survey.
Obtaining and CLEANing the AS 209 measurement set#
The calibrated measurement sets from the DSHARP data release are available online, and the full description of the survey is provided in Andrews et al. 2018.
Model Visibilities and MODEL_DATA#
In its simplest form, the measurement set just contains the visibility data in a DATA
column. In the process of using tclean
to synthesize an image, however, CASA also calculates a set of model visibilities that correspond to the Fourier transform of the CLEAN model. It’s possible to store these model visibilities to the measurement set if the tclean
process was invoked with the savemodel="modelcolumn"
parameter. The model visibilities will be stored in a MODEL_DATA
column with the same shape as the DATA
The calibrated DSHARP measurement sets available from the archive do not contain this MODEL_DATA
column (most likely for space reasons), so we will need to recreate them by running the tclean
algorithm with the relevant settings. The full reduction scripts are available online, but we just need reproduce the relevant tclean
commands used to produce a FITS image from the final, calibrated measurement set.
Because the measurement set is large (0.9 Gb) and the tclean
process is computationally expensive (taking about 1 hr on a single core), we have pre-executed those commands and cached the measurement set and tclean
products into the AS209_MS
local directory. If you’re interested in the exact tclean
commands used, please check out the script directly.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
# change to the cached subdirectory that contains the cleaned MS
workdir = "AS209_MS"
fname = ""
fitsname = "AS209.fits"
Visualizing the CLEANed image#
Just to make sure the tclean
process ran OK, let’s check the synthesized image that was produced
from import fits
hdul =
header = hdul[0].header
data = 1e3 * hdul[0].data # mJy/pixel
# get the coordinate labels
nx = header["NAXIS1"]
ny = header["NAXIS2"]
# RA coordinates
CDELT1 = 3600 * header["CDELT1"] # arcsec (converted from decimal deg)
CRPIX1 = header["CRPIX1"] - 1.0 # Now indexed from 0
# DEC coordinates
CDELT2 = 3600 * header["CDELT2"] # arcsec
CRPIX2 = header["CRPIX2"] - 1.0 # Now indexed from 0
RA = (np.arange(nx) - nx / 2) * CDELT1 # [arcsec]
DEC = (np.arange(ny) - ny / 2) * CDELT2 # [arcsec]
# extent needs to include extra half-pixels.
# RA, DEC are pixel centers
ext = (
RA[0] - CDELT1 / 2,
RA[-1] + CDELT1 / 2,
DEC[0] - CDELT2 / 2,
DEC[-1] + CDELT2 / 2,
) # [arcsec]
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=np.max(data))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, figsize=(4.5, 3.5))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2)
im = ax.imshow(data, extent=ext, origin="lower", animated=True, norm=norm)
cb = plt.colorbar(im, label="mJy / pixel")
r = 2.2
ax.set_xlim(r, -r)
ax.set_ylim(-r, r)
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta \alpha \cos \delta$ [${}^{\prime\prime}$]")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta \delta$ [${}^{\prime\prime}$]")
Text(0, 0.5, '$\\Delta \\delta$ [${}^{\\prime\\prime}$]')

Great, it looks like things check out. Note that the main reason (at least for this tutorial) that we ran tclean
was to generate the MODEL_DATA
column in the measurement set. The actual CLEANed FITS image is just a nice byproduct.
Examining measurement set structure#
Before you dive into the full analysis with CASA tools, it’s a very good idea to inspect the measurement set using listobs.
After you’ve done that, let’s start exploring the visibility values. First we’ll need to import and then instantiate the relevant CASA tools, table and ms.
import casatools
tb = casatools.table()
ms =
We can get the indexes of the unique spectral windows, which are typically indexed by the DATA_DESC_ID
[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
We see that there are 25 separate spectral windows! This is because the DSHARP images were produced using all available Band 6 continuum data on each source—not just the long baseline observations acquired in ALMA cycle 4. The merging of all of these individual observations is what creates this structure with so many spectral windows.
Next, let’s open the main table of the measurement set and inspect the column names
colnames = tb.colnames()
Because there are multiple spectral windows which do not share the same dimensions, we cannot use the tb
tool to read the data directly. If we try, we’ll get an error.
weight = tb.getcol("WEIGHT") # array of float64 with shape [npol, nvis]
flag = tb.getcol("FLAG") # array of bool with shape [npol, nchan, nvis]
data = tb.getcol("DATA") # array of complex128 with shape [npol, nchan, nvis]
except RuntimeError:
"We can't use table tools here... the spws have different numbers of channels"
So, we’ll need to use the ms
tool to read the visibilities for each spectral window, like so
# select the spectral window
# query the desired columnames as a list
query = ms.getdata(["WEIGHT", "UVW", "DATA"])
# always a good idea to reset the earmarked data
The returned query is a dictionary whose keys are the lowercase column names
dict_keys(['data', 'uvw', 'weight'])
and whose values are the numerical arrays for the spectral window that we queried
[[[-0.09359986-0.07905877j 0.19716288+0.10789031j
-0.04736413-0.38649508j ... 0.4015328 +0.23623116j
0.20422684+0.29638007j 0.13025568-0.55658323j]]
[[ 0.43320566-0.16495545j -0.0630829 -0.10485866j
-0.36411372-0.40655291j ... 0.24039683-0.32688245j
0.46174076-0.27798796j 0.61960417+0.00973242j]]]
Using the tclean model to calculate residual visibilities#
In any data analysis where you’re computing a forward model, it’s a good consitency check to examine the data residuals from that model, and, in particular, whether their scatter matches the expectations from the noise properties.
We can calculate data residuals using the model visibilities derived from the tclean model and stored in the MODEL_DATA
column of the measurement set.
# select the spectral window
# query the desired columnames as a list
query = ms.getdata(["MODEL_DATA"])
# always a good idea to reset the earmarked data
[[[0.05803835-0.00023424j 0.06033794-0.00052241j 0.0323186 -0.00052189j
... 0.059181 -0.0004049j 0.06829856-0.00039429j
[[0.05803835-0.00023424j 0.06033794-0.00052241j 0.0323186 -0.00052189j
... 0.059181 -0.0004049j 0.06829856-0.00039429j
Using these model visibilities, let’s calculate the residuals for each polarization (XX, YY) in units of \(\sigma\), where
The scatter is defined as
For now, \(\mathrm{sigma\_rescale} = 1\), but we’ll see why this parameter is needed in a moment.
Helper functions for examining weight scatter#
Because we’d like to repeat this analysis for each spectral window in the measurement set, it makes things easier if we write these calculations as functions.
The functions provided in this document are only dependent on the CASA tools tb
and ms
. If you find yourself using these routines frequently, you might consider installing the visread package, since similar commands are provided in the API.
def get_scatter_datadescid(datadescid, sigma_rescale=1.0, apply_flags=True):
Calculate the scatter for each polarization.
datadescid (int): the DATA_DESC_ID to be queried
sigma_rescale (int): multiply the uncertainties by this factor
apply_flags (bool): calculate the scatter *after* the flags have been applied
scatter_XX, scatter_YY: a 2-tuple of numpy arrays containing the scatter in each polarization.
If ``apply_flags==True``, each array will be 1-dimensional. If ``apply_flags==False``, each array
will retain its original shape, including channelization (e.g., shape ``nchan,nvis``).
# select the key
query = ms.getdata(
data, model_data, weight, flag = (
assert (
len(model_data) > 0
), "MODEL_DATA column empty, retry tclean with savemodel='modelcolumn'"
# subtract model from data
residuals = data - model_data
# calculate sigma from weight
sigma = np.sqrt(1 / weight)
sigma *= sigma_rescale
# divide by weight, augmented for channel dim
scatter = residuals / sigma[:, np.newaxis, :]
# separate polarizations
scatter_XX, scatter_YY = scatter
flag_XX, flag_YY = flag
if apply_flags:
# flatten across channels
scatter_XX = scatter_XX[~flag_XX]
scatter_YY = scatter_YY[~flag_YY]
return scatter_XX, scatter_YY
def gaussian(x, sigma=1):
Evaluate a reference Gaussian as a function of :math:`x`
x (float): location to evaluate Gaussian
The Gaussian is defined as
.. math::
f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} \exp \left ( -\frac{x^2}{2}\right )
Gaussian function evaluated at :math:`x`
return 1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp(-0.5 * (x / sigma) ** 2)
def scatter_hist(scatter_XX, scatter_YY, log=False, **kwargs):
Plot a normalized histogram of scatter for real and imaginary
components of XX and YY polarizations.
scatter_XX (1D numpy array)
scatter_YY (1D numpy array)
matplotlib figure
xs = np.linspace(-5, 5)
figsize = kwargs.get("figsize", (6, 6))
bins = kwargs.get("bins", 40)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=2, figsize=figsize)
ax[0, 0].hist(scatter_XX.real, bins=bins, density=True, log=log)
ax[0, 0].set_xlabel(
r"$\Re \{ V_\mathrm{XX} - \bar{V}_\mathrm{XX} \} / \sigma_\mathrm{XX}$"
ax[0, 1].hist(scatter_XX.imag, bins=bins, density=True, log=log)
ax[0, 1].set_xlabel(
r"$\Im \{ V_\mathrm{XX} - \bar{V}_\mathrm{XX} \} / \sigma_\mathrm{XX}$"
ax[1, 0].hist(scatter_YY.real, bins=bins, density=True, log=log)
ax[1, 0].set_xlabel(
r"$\Re \{ V_\mathrm{YY} - \bar{V}_\mathrm{YY} \} / \sigma_\mathrm{YY}$"
ax[1, 1].hist(scatter_YY.imag, bins=bins, density=True, log=log)
ax[1, 1].set_xlabel(
r"$\Im \{ V_\mathrm{YY} - \bar{V}_\mathrm{YY} \} / \sigma_\mathrm{YY}$"
for a in ax.flatten():
a.plot(xs, gaussian(xs))
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.25, top=0.92)
return fig
def plot_histogram_datadescid(
datadescid, sigma_rescale=1.0, log=False, apply_flags=True
"""Wrap the scatter routine to plot a histogram of scatter for real and imaginary components of XX and YY polarizations, given a ``DATA_DESC_ID``.
datadescid (int): the DATA_DESC_ID to be queried
sigma_rescale (int): multiply the uncertainties by this factor
log (bool): plot the histogram with a log stretch
apply_flags (bool): calculate the scatter *after* the flags have been applied
matplotlib figure
scatter_XX, scatter_YY = get_scatter_datadescid(
datadescid=datadescid, sigma_rescale=sigma_rescale, apply_flags=apply_flags
scatter_XX = scatter_XX.flatten()
scatter_YY = scatter_YY.flatten()
fig = scatter_hist(scatter_XX, scatter_YY, log=log)
fig.suptitle("DATA_DESC_ID: {:}".format(datadescid))
Checking scatter for each spectral window#
Now lets use our helper functions to investigate the characteristics of each spectral window.
Spectral Window 7: A correctly scaled SPW#
Let’s see how the residual visibilities in spectral window 7 scatter relative to their expected Gaussian envelope
plot_histogram_datadescid(7, apply_flags=False)

Great, it looks like things are pretty much as we would expect here.
Spectral Window 22: Visibility outliers#
In the last example, we were a little bit cavalier and plotted the residuals for all visibilities, regardless of whether their FLAG
was true. If we do the same for the visibilities in spectral window 22,
plot_histogram_datadescid(22, apply_flags=False)

We find that something looks a little bit strange. Let’s try plotting things on a log scale to get a closer look.
plot_histogram_datadescid(22, apply_flags=False, log=True)

It appears as though there are a bunch of “outlier” visibilities included in this spectral window (the histogram y-axis is the relative frequency or probability density, so in actually there are a relatively small number of outlier visibilities). If the calibration and data preparation processes were done correctly, most likely, these visibilities are actually flagged. Let’s try plotting only the valid, unflagged, visibilities
plot_histogram_datadescid(22, apply_flags=True, log=True)

This is certainly an improvement, it looks like all of the egregious outlier visibilities were correctly flagged. However, we also see that the scatter in the visibility residuals is overdispersed relative to the envelope we would expect from the supplied weights. Plotting this on a normal scale might make the discrepancy more visible
plot_histogram_datadescid(22, apply_flags=True, log=False)

Lets write a routine to estimate by how much the \(\sigma_0\) values would need to be rescaled in order for the residual visibility scatter to match the expected reference Gaussian.
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def calculate_rescale_factor(scatter, **kwargs):
bins = kwargs.get("bins", 40)
bin_heights, bin_edges = np.histogram(scatter, density=True, bins=bins)
bin_centers = bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges) / 2
# find the sigma_rescale which minimizes the mean squared error
# between the bin_heights and the expectations from the
# reference Gaussian
loss = lambda x: np.sum((bin_heights - gaussian(bin_centers, sigma=x)) ** 2)
res = minimize(loss, 1.0)
if res.success:
return res.x[0]
return False
def get_sigma_rescale_datadescid(datadescid, **kwargs):
scatter_XX, scatter_YY = get_scatter_datadescid(
datadescid, apply_flags=True, **kwargs
vals = np.array(
for scatter in [
return np.average(vals)
factor = get_sigma_rescale_datadescid(22)
If we rescale the \(\sigma\) values to make them a factor of \(\sim 1.85\) larger it looks like we are able to make the distributions match up a little bit better.
plot_histogram_datadescid(22, sigma_rescale=factor, apply_flags=True, log=False)

It’s not really clear why this factor works, but factors of \(\sqrt{2}\) and 2 appear in changes to the CASA weight calculations (which have changed across recent CASA versions). Since this DSHARP measurement set contains visibilities acquired in previous ALMA cycles (and potentially calibrated with earlier versions of CASA), these changes in weight definitions may be responsible for the varying weight scatter across spectral window.
To investigate the overdispersion in spectral window 22, lets plot up the rescaled visibilities in the \(u,v\) plane, colorized by their residual values to see if we can discern any patterns that may be the result of an inadequate calibration or CLEAN model.
# get the baselines and flags for spectral window 22
# select the key
query = ms.getdata(["UVW", "FLAG"])
flag_XX, flag_YY = query["flag"]
u, v, w = query["uvw"] * 1e-3 # [km]
# calculate the scatter of the residual visibilities
scatter_XX, scatter_YY = get_scatter_datadescid(
22, sigma_rescale=factor, apply_flags=False
Let’s check the array shapes of each of these.
(16, 297935)
(16, 297935)
If we want to correctly apply the flags, we’ll need to broadcast the baseline arrays to the full set of channels. (Even though this is a continuum dataset, it does have more than one channel to prevent bandwidth smearing).
nchan = flag_XX.shape[0]
broadcast = np.ones((nchan, 1))
uu = u * broadcast
vv = v * broadcast
Now we index the “good” visibilities
uu_XX = uu[~flag_XX]
vv_XX = vv[~flag_YY]
scatter_XX = scatter_XX[~flag_XX]
uu_YY = uu[~flag_YY]
vv_YY = vv[~flag_YY]
scatter_YY = scatter_YY[~flag_YY]
vvmax = 5
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-vvmax, vmax=vvmax)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, figsize=(4, 4))
ax.scatter(uu_XX, vv_XX, s=0.1, c=scatter_XX.real, cmap="bwr", norm=norm)
im = ax.scatter(uu_YY, vv_YY, s=0.1, c=scatter_YY.real, cmap="bwr", norm=norm)
plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
ax.set_title("SPW: {:}".format(22))
ax.set_xlabel(r"$u$ [km]")
ax.set_ylabel(r"$v$ [km]")
Text(0, 0.5, '$v$ [km]')

We don’t appear to see any large scale pattern with baseline, suggesting that the CLEAN model is doing a reasonable job of fitting the data across many spatial scales. We do see some of the largest outliers (most blue/red) at the beginning (or end) of the tracks. This probably has something to do with a less-than-optimal calibration at the beginning (or end) of the observation. Since there are no large systematic trends with baseline, we’ll just accept these rescaled weights as is.
Rescaling weights for export.#
We can use the previous routines to iterate through plots of each spectral window. For reference, here are the rescale factors we derived for each spectral window
sigma_rescale_factors = {
ID: get_sigma_rescale_datadescid(ID) for ID in SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID
print(ID, "{:.2f}".format(sigma_rescale_factors[ID]))
0 1.21
1 1.20
2 1.25
3 1.15
4 1.15
5 1.14
6 1.15
7 1.15
8 1.15
9 1.78
10 1.28
11 1.80
12 1.28
13 1.88
14 1.77
15 1.77
16 1.80
17 1.88
18 1.89
19 1.89
20 1.99
21 1.85
22 1.86
23 1.88
24 1.95
If you wanted to use these visibilities for forward modeling or Regularized Maximum Likelihood (RML) imaging, you will want to read and export the correctly flagged and rescaled visibilities and convert baselines to lambda.