Background and prerequisites

Background and prerequisites#

Radio astronomy#

A background in radio astronomy, Fourier transforms, and interferometry is a prerequisite for using MPoL but is beyond the scope of this documentation. We recommend reviewing these resources as needed.

RML imaging is different from CLEAN imaging, which operates as a deconvolution procedure in the image plane. However, CLEAN is by far the dominant algorithm used to synthesize images from interferometric data at sub-mm and radio wavelengths, and it is useful to have at least a basic understanding of how it works. We recommend

Statistics and Machine Learning#

MPoL is built on top of the PyTorch machine learning framework and adopts much of the terminology and design principles of machine learning workflows. As a prerequisite, we recommend at least a basic understanding of statistics and machine learning principles. Two excellent (free) textbooks are

And we highly recommend the informative and entertaining 3b1b lectures on deep learning.


As a PyTorch library, MPoL expects that the user will write Python code that uses MPoL primitives as building blocks to solve their interferometric imaging workflow, much the same way the artificial intelligence community writes Python code that uses PyTorch layers to implement new neural network architectures (for example). You will find MPoL easiest to use if you follow PyTorch customs and idioms, e.g., feed-forward neural networks, data storage, GPU acceleration, and train/test optimization loops. Therefore, a basic familiarity with PyTorch is considered a prerequisite for MPoL.

If you are new to PyTorch, we recommend starting with the official Learn the Basics guide. You can also find high quality introductions on YouTube and in textbooks.

RML Imaging#

MPoL is a modern PyTorch imaging library, however many of the key concepts behind Regularized Maximum Likelihood image have been around for some time. We recommend checking out the following (non-exhaustive) list of resources