Visread documentation#

Tests gh-pages docs

This package is really three things:

  1. a collection of documentation and tutorials demonstrating how to read visibilities (and associated metadata) from a calibrated CASA Measurement Set file into memory using CASA tools like table and ms. For this, you don’t need to install the visread package, just start browsing the tutorials directly: Introduction to CASA tools, Visualizing the CLEANed image, and Casatools API.

  2. a few routines within the visread package that codify the data access patterns sketched out in the casatools tutorials. These routines depend on the casatools package, and thus have the same Python version and operating system requirements that Modular CASA does. Depending on the CASA release cycle, these constraints can preclude modern Python versions. Therefore, these routines are designed to be an optional feature of visread and are only installed with pip install 'visread[casa]'.

  3. a set of non-imaging analysis and visualization routines to work with the visibility data. These core routines do not have a casatools dependency, and so they should have maximal compatability with current Python versions. They are available via pip install visread.

If you are interested in working with the visread package, we recommend reading the Installation Guide to learn more about suggested install patterns.


If you find these tutorials or code useful, please cite:

author       = {Ian Czekala and
                Loomis, Ryan and
                Andrews, Sean and
                Huang, Jane and
                Rosenfeld, Katherine},
title        = {MPoL-dev/visread},
month        = jan,
year         = 2021,
publisher    = {Zenodo},
version      = {v0.0.1},
doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.4432501},
url          = {}

Indices and tables#