from __future__ import annotations
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as np_fft
import numpy.typing as npt
import torch
import mpol.constants as const
from mpol.exceptions import CellSizeError
from mpol.utils import get_maximum_cell_size
class GridCoords:
The GridCoords object uses desired image dimensions (via the ``cell_size`` and
``npix`` arguments) to define a corresponding Fourier plane grid.
cell_size : float
width of a single square pixel in [arcsec]
npix : int
number of pixels in the width of the image
The Fourier grid is defined over the domain :math:`[-u,+u]`, :math:`[-v,+v]`, even
though for real images, technically we could use an RFFT grid from :math:`[0,+u]` to
:math:`[-v,+v]`. The reason we opt for a full FFT grid in this instance is
implementation simplicity.
Images (and their corresponding Fourier transform quantities) are represented as
two-dimensional arrays packed as ``[y, x]`` and ``[v, u]``. This means that an
image with dimensions ``(npix, npix)`` will also have a corresponding FFT Fourier
grid with shape ``(npix, npix)``. The native :class:`~mpol.gridding.GridCoords`
representation assumes the Fourier grid (and thus image) are laid out as one might
normally expect an image (i.e., no ``np.fft.fftshift`` has been applied).
After the object is initialized, instance variables can be accessed, for example
>>> myCoords = GridCoords(cell_size=0.005, npix=512)
>>> myCoords.img_ext
:ivar dl: image-plane cell spacing in RA direction (assumed to be positive)
:ivar dm: image-plane cell spacing in DEC direction [radians]
:ivar img_ext: The length-4 list of (left, right, bottom, top) expected by routines
like ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`` in the ``extent`` parameter assuming
``origin='lower'``. Units of [arcsec]
:ivar packed_x_centers_2D: 2D array of l increasing, with fftshifted applied
[arcseconds]. Useful for directly evaluating some function to create a
packed cube.
:ivar packed_y_centers_2D: 2D array of m increasing, with fftshifted applied
[arcseconds]. Useful for directly evaluating some function to create a
packed cube.
:ivar sky_x_centers_2D: 2D array of l arranged for evaluating a sky image
[arcseconds]. l coordinate increases to the left (as on sky).
:ivar sky_y_centers_2D: 2D array of m arranged for evaluating a sky image
:ivar du: Fourier-plane cell spacing in East-West direction
:ivar dv: Fourier-plane cell spacing in North-South direction
:ivar u_centers: 1D array of cell centers in East-West direction
:ivar v_centers: 1D array of cell centers in North-West direction
:ivar u_edges: 1D array of cell edges in East-West direction
:ivar v_edges: 1D array of cell edges in North-South direction
:ivar u_bin_min: minimum u edge [:math:`\lambda`]
:ivar u_bin_max: maximum u edge [:math:`\lambda`]
:ivar v_bin_min: minimum v edge [:math:`\lambda`]
:ivar v_bin_max: maximum v edge [:math:`\lambda`]
:ivar max_grid: maximum spatial frequency enclosed by Fourier grid
:ivar vis_ext: length-4 list of (left, right, bottom, top) expected by routines
like ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`` in the ``extent`` parameter assuming
``origin='lower'``. Units of [:math:`\lambda`]
:ivar vis_ext_Mlam: like vis_ext, but in units of [:math:`\mathrm{M}\lambda`].
def __init__(self, cell_size: float, npix: int):
if npix <= 0 or not (npix % 2 == 0):
raise ValueError("Image must have a positive and even number of pixels.")
if cell_size <= 0:
raise ValueError("cell_size must be a positive real number.")
# Imply to users that GridCoords instance is read-only and new instance
# is the approach if changing values
self._cell_size = cell_size
self._npix = npix
# Image related
self._image_pixel_width = cell_size * const.arcsec # [radians]
self._image_centers = self._image_pixel_width * (
np.arange(npix) - npix // 2
) # [radians]
# Spatial frequency related
# These properties are identical for both u & v and defined here
# edges and centers return fftspaced arrays (not packed, though)
# All units in [λ]
self._uv_pixel_width = 1 / (npix * self._image_pixel_width)
self.uv_edges = self._uv_pixel_width * (np.arange(npix + 1) - npix // 2 - 0.5)
self._uv_centers = self._uv_pixel_width * (np.arange(npix) - npix // 2)
self._min_uv = float(self.uv_edges.min())
self._max_uv = float(self.uv_edges.max())
def __repr__(self):
return f"GridCoords(cell_size={self.cell_size:.2e}, npix={self.npix})"
# the output spatial frequencies of the FFT routine
def cell_size(self) -> float:
return self._cell_size
def npix(self) -> int:
return self._npix
def dl(self) -> float:
return self._image_pixel_width # [radians]
def dm(self) -> float:
return self._image_pixel_width # [radians]
def l_centers(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return self._image_centers
def m_centers(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return self._image_centers
def npix_u(self) -> int:
return self.npix
def npix_v(self) -> int:
return self.npix
def du(self) -> float:
return self._uv_pixel_width
def dv(self) -> float:
return self._uv_pixel_width
def u_edges(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return self.uv_edges
def v_edges(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return self.uv_edges
def u_centers(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return self._uv_centers
def v_centers(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return self._uv_centers
def u_bin_min(self) -> float:
return self._min_uv
def v_bin_min(self) -> float:
return self._min_uv
def u_bin_max(self) -> float:
return self._max_uv
def v_bin_max(self) -> float:
return self._max_uv
def max_uv_grid_value(self) -> float:
return self._max_uv
def img_ext(self) -> list[float]:
# calculate the image extent
# say we had 10 pixels representing centers -5, -4, -3, ...
# it should go from -5.5 to +4.5
lmax = self.cell_size * (self.npix // 2 - 0.5)
lmin = -self.cell_size * (self.npix // 2 + 0.5)
return [lmax, lmin, lmin, lmax] # arcsecs
def vis_ext(self) -> list[float]:
return [
] # [λ]
def vis_ext_Mlam(self) -> list[float]:
return [1e-6 * edge for edge in self.vis_ext]
def ground_u_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
# only useful for plotting a sky_vis
# uu increasing, no fftshift
# tile replicates the 1D u_centers array to a 2D array the size of the full
# UV grid
return np.tile(self.u_centers, (self.npix_u, 1))
def ground_v_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
# only useful for plotting a sky_vis
# vv increasing, no fftshift
return np.tile(self.v_centers, (self.npix_v, 1)).T
def packed_u_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
# for evaluating a packed vis
# uu increasing, fftshifted
return np_fft.fftshift(self.ground_u_centers_2D)
def packed_v_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
# for evaluating a packed vis
# vv increasing + fftshifted
return np_fft.fftshift(self.ground_v_centers_2D)
def ground_q_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return np.sqrt(
self.ground_u_centers_2D**2 + self.ground_v_centers_2D**2
) # [kλ]
def sky_phi_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return np.arctan2(
self.ground_v_centers_2D, self.ground_u_centers_2D
) # (pi, pi]
def packed_q_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
# for evaluating a packed vis in polar coordinates
# q increasing, fftshifted
return np_fft.fftshift(self.ground_q_centers_2D)
def packed_phi_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
# for evaluating a packed vis in polar coordinates
# phi increasing, fftshifted
return np_fft.fftshift(self.sky_phi_centers_2D)
def q_max(self) -> float:
# outer edge [lambda]
return float(np.abs(self.packed_q_centers_2D).max() + np.sqrt(2) * self.du)
def x_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return np.tile(self.l_centers / const.arcsec, (self.npix, 1)) # [arcsec]
def y_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return np.tile(self.m_centers / const.arcsec, (self.npix, 1)).T # [arcsec]
def packed_x_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return np.fft.fftshift(self.x_centers_2D) # [arcsec]
def packed_y_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
return np.fft.fftshift(self.y_centers_2D) # [arcsec]
def sky_x_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
# for evaluating a sky image
# ll mirrored, increasing, no fftshift
return np.fliplr(self.x_centers_2D) # [arcsec]
def sky_y_centers_2D(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]:
# for evaluating a sky image
# mm increasing, no fftshift
return self.y_centers_2D # [arcsec]
def check_data_fit(
uu: torch.Tensor | npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]],
vv: torch.Tensor | npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]],
) -> bool:
Test whether loose data visibilities fit within the Fourier grid defined by
cell_size and npix.
uu : :class:`torch.Tensor`
u spatial frequency coordinates.
Units of [:math:`\lambda`]
vv : :class:`torch.Tensor`
v spatial frequency coordinates.
Units of [:math:`\lambda`]
``True`` if all visibilities fit within the Fourier grid defined by
``[u_bin_min, u_bin_max, v_bin_min, v_bin_max]``. Otherwise a
:class:`mpol.exceptions.CellSizeError` is raised on the first violated
# we need this routine to work with both numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor
# because it is called for DirtyImager setup (numpy only)
# so we'll cast to tensor as a precaution
uu = torch.as_tensor(uu)
vv = torch.as_tensor(vv)
# max freq in dataset
max_uu_vv = np.abs(np.concatenate([uu, vv])).max()
max_uu_vv = torch.max(torch.abs(torch.concatenate([uu, vv]))).item()
# max freq needed to support dataset
max_cell_size = get_maximum_cell_size(max_uu_vv)
if torch.max(torch.abs(uu)) > self.max_uv_grid_value:
raise CellSizeError(
"Dataset contains uu spatial frequency measurements larger "
"than those in the proposed model image. "
f"Decrease cell_size below {max_cell_size} arcsec."
if torch.max(torch.abs(vv)) > self.max_uv_grid_value:
raise CellSizeError(
"Dataset contains vv spatial frequency measurements larger "
"than those in the proposed model image. "
f"Decrease cell_size below {max_cell_size} arcsec."
return True
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, GridCoords):
# don't attempt to compare against different types
return NotImplemented
# GridCoords objects are considered equal if they have the same cell_size and
# npix, since all other attributes are derived from these two core properties.
return bool(self.cell_size == other.cell_size and self.npix == other.npix)