"""The geometry package provides routines for projecting and de-projecting sky images.
import numpy as np
import torch
def flat_to_observer(
x: torch.Tensor,
y: torch.Tensor,
omega: float = 0.0,
incl: float = 0.0,
Omega: float = 0.0,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Rotate the frame to convert a point in the flat (x,y,z) frame to observer frame
It is assumed that the +Z axis points *towards* the observer. It is assumed that the
model is flat in the (x,y) frame (like a flat disk), and so the operations
involving ``z`` are neglected. But the model lives in 3D Cartesian space.
In order,
1. rotate about the z axis by an amount omega -> x1, y1, z1
2. rotate about the x1 axis by an amount -incl -> x2, y2, z2
3. rotate about the z2 axis by an amount Omega -> x3, y3, z3 = X, Y, Z
Inspired by `exoplanet/keplerian.py
Note that the (x,y) here are *not* the same as the `x_centers_2D` or `y_centers_2D`
attached to the :class:`mpol.coordinates.GridCoords` object. The (x,y) referred to
here are the 'perifocal frame' of the orbit, whereas the (X,Y,Z) are the sky or
observer frame. Typically, the sky observer frame is oriented such that X is North
(pointing up) and Y is East (pointing left). For more detail, see the `exoplanet
docs <https://docs.exoplanet.codes/en/latest/tutorials/data-and-models/#orbital-conventions>`_ or `Murray and Correia <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010exop.book...15M/abstract>`_.
x : :class:`torch.Tensor`
A tensor representing the x coordinate in the plane of the orbit.
y : :class:`torch.Tensor`
A tensor representing the y coordinate in the plane of the orbit.
omega : float
Argument of periastron [radians]. Default 0.0.
incl : float
Inclination value [radians]. Default 0.0.
Omega : float
Position angle of the ascending node in [radians]. Default 0.0
2-tuple of :class:`torch.Tensor`
Two tensors representing ``(X, Y)`` in the observer frame.
# Rotation matrices result in a *clockwise* rotation of the axes,
# as defined using the righthand rule.
# For example, looking down the z-axis,
# a positive angle will rotate the x,y axes clockwise.
# A vector in the coordinate system will appear as though it has been
# rotated counter-clockwise.
# 1) rotate about the z0 axis by omega
cos_omega = np.cos(omega)
sin_omega = np.sin(omega)
x1 = cos_omega * x - sin_omega * y
y1 = sin_omega * x + cos_omega * y
# 2) rotate about x1 axis by -incl
x2 = x1
y2 = np.cos(incl) * y1
# z3 = z2, subsequent rotation by Omega doesn't affect it
# Z = -torch.sin(incl) * y1
# 3) rotate about z2 axis by Omega
cos_Omega = np.cos(Omega)
sin_Omega = np.sin(Omega)
X = cos_Omega * x2 - sin_Omega * y2
Y = sin_Omega * x2 + cos_Omega * y2
return X, Y
def observer_to_flat(
X: torch.Tensor,
Y: torch.Tensor,
omega: float = 0.0,
incl: float = 0.0,
Omega: float = 0.0,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Rotate the frame to convert a point in the observer frame (X,Y,Z) to the
flat (x,y,z) frame.
It is assumed that the +Z axis points *towards* the observer. The rotation
operations are the inverse of the :func:`~mpol.geometry.flat_to_observer` operations.
In order,
1. inverse rotation about the Z axis by an amount Omega -> x2, y2, z2
2. inverse rotation about the x2 axis by an amount -incl -> x1, y1, z1
3. inverse rotation about the z1 axis by an amount omega -> x, y, z
Inspired by `exoplanet/keplerian.py
Note that the (x,y) here are *not* the same as the `x_centers_2D` or `y_centers_2D`
attached to the :class:`mpol.coordinates.GridCoords` object. The (x,y) referred to
here are the 'perifocal frame' of the orbit, whereas the (X,Y,Z) are the sky or
observer frame. Typically, the sky observer frame is oriented such that X is North
(pointing up) and Y is East (pointing left). For more detail, see the `exoplanet
docs <https://docs.exoplanet.codes/en/latest/tutorials/data-and-models/#orbital-conventions>`_ or `Murray and Correia <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010exop.book...15M/abstract>`_.
X : :class:`torch.Tensor`
A tensor representing the x coordinate in the plane of the sky.
Y : :class:`torch.Tensor`
A tensor representing the y coordinate in the plane of the sky.
omega : float
A tensor representing an argument of periastron [radians] Default 0.0.
incl : float
A tensor representing an inclination value [radians]. Default 0.0.
Omega : float
A tensor representing the position angle of the ascending node in [radians].
Default 0.0
2-tuple of :class:`torch.Tensor`
Two tensors representing ``(x, y)`` in the flat frame.
# Rotation matrices result in a *clockwise* rotation of the axes,
# as defined using the righthand rule.
# For example, looking down the z-axis, a positive angle will rotate the
# x,y axes clockwise.
# A vector in the coordinate system will appear as though it has been
# rotated counter-clockwise.
# 1) inverse rotation about Z axis by Omega -> x2, y2, z2
cos_Omega = np.cos(Omega)
sin_Omega = np.sin(Omega)
x2 = cos_Omega * X + sin_Omega * Y
y2 = -sin_Omega * X + cos_Omega * Y
# 2) inverse rotation about x2 axis by incl
x1 = x2
# we don't know Z, but we can solve some equations to find that
# y = Y / cos(i), as expected by intuition
y1 = y2 / np.cos(incl)
# 3) inverse rotation about the z1 axis by an amount of omega
cos_omega = np.cos(omega)
sin_omega = np.sin(omega)
x = x1 * cos_omega + y1 * sin_omega
y = -x1 * sin_omega + y1 * cos_omega
return x, y