Source code for mpol.plot

import matplotlib.colors as mco
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import simple_norm

from mpol.onedim import radialI, radialV
from mpol.utils import loglinspace, packed_cube_to_sky_cube, torch2npy

[docs] def get_image_cmap_norm( image, stretch="power", gamma=1.0, asinh_a=0.02, symmetric=False ): """ Get a colormap normalization to apply to an image. image : array 2D image array. stretch : string, default = 'power' Transformation to apply to the colormap. 'power' is a power law stretch; 'asinh' is an arcsinh stretch. gamma : float, default = 1.0 Index of power law normalization (see matplotlib.colors.PowerNorm). gamma=1.0 yields a linear colormap. asinh_a : float, default = 0.02 Scale parameter for an asinh stretch. symmetric : bool, default=False Whether the colormap is symmetric about 0 """ if symmetric is True: vmax = max(abs(image.min()), image.max()) vmin = -vmax else: vmax, vmin = image.max(), image.min() if stretch == "power": vmin = 0 if stretch == "power": norm = mco.PowerNorm(gamma, vmin, vmax) elif stretch == "asinh": norm = simple_norm( image, stretch="asinh", asinh_a=asinh_a, min_cut=vmin, max_cut=vmax ) else: raise ValueError("'stretch' must be one of 'asinh' or 'power'.") return norm
# def get_residual_image( # model, uu: torch.Tensor, vv: torch.Tensor, data, weights, robust=0.5 # ): # """ # Get a dirty image and colormap normalization for residual visibilities, # the difference of observed visibilities and an MPoL model sampled at the # observed (u,v) points. # Parameters # ---------- # model : `torch.nn.Module` object # Instance of the `mpol.precomposed.GriddedNet` class. # uu : :class:`torch.Tensor` of `class:`torch.double` # array of u spatial frequency coordinates, # not including Hermitian pairs. Units of [:math:`\mathrm{k}\lambda`] # vv : :class:`torch.Tensor` of `class:`torch.double` # array of v spatial frequency coordinates, # not including Hermitian pairs. Units of [:math:`\mathrm{k}\lambda`] # data : array, unit=[Jy] # Complex Data visibility # weights : array, unit=[Jy^-2] # Data weights # robust : float, default=0.5 # Robust weighting parameter used to create the dirty image of the # residual visibilities # Returns # ------- # im_resid : 2D image array # The residual image # norm_resid : Matplotlib colormap normalization # Symmetric, linear colormap for `im_resid` # """ # vis_model = torch2npy(model.predict_loose_visibilities(uu, vv)) # vis_resid = data - vis_model # resid_imager = DirtyImager( # coords=model.coords, # uu=torch2npy(uu), # vv=torch2npy(vv), # weight=weights, # data_re=np.real(vis_resid), # data_im=np.imag(vis_resid), # ) # im_resid, _ = resid_imager.get_dirty_image( # weighting="briggs", robust=robust, unit="Jy/arcsec^2" # ) # im_resid = np.squeeze(im_resid) # norm_resid = get_image_cmap_norm(im_resid, stretch="power", gamma=1, symmetric=True) # return im_resid, norm_resid
[docs] def plot_image( image, extent, cmap="inferno", norm=None, ax=None, clab=r"I [Jy arcsec$^{-2}$]", xlab=r"$\Delta \alpha \cos \delta$ [${}^{\prime\prime}$]", ylab=r"$\Delta \delta$ [${}^{\prime\prime}$]", ): r""" Wrapper for plt.imshow, with colorbar and colormap normalization. Parameters ---------- image : array 2D image array. extent : list, len=4 x- and y-extents of image: [x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max] (see plt.imshow) cmap : str, default="inferno Matplotlib colormap. norm : Matplotlib colormap normalization, default=None Image colormap norm. If None, a linear normalization is generated with mpol.plot.get_image_cmap_norm ax : Matplotlib axis instance, default=None Axis on which to plot the image. If None, a new figure is created. clab : str, default=r"Jy arcsec$^{-2}$" Colorbar axis label xlab : str, default="RA offset [arcsec]" Image x-axis label. ylab : str, default="Dec offset [arcsec]" Image y-axis label. Returns ------- im : Matplotlib imshow instance The plotted image. cbar : Matplotlib colorbar instance Colorbar for the image. """ if norm is None: norm = get_image_cmap_norm(image) if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow( image, origin="lower", interpolation="none", extent=extent, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, ) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, location="right", pad=0.1, shrink=0.7) cbar.set_label(clab) ax.set_xlabel(xlab) ax.set_ylabel(ylab) return im, cbar
[docs] def vis_histogram_fig( dataset, bin_quantity="count", bin_label=None, q_edges=None, phi_edges=None, q_edges1d=None, show_datapoints=False, save_prefix=None, ): r""" Generate a figure with 1d and 2d histograms of (u,v)-plane coverage. Histograms can show different data; see `bin_quantity` parameter. Parameters ---------- dataset : `mpol.datasets.GriddedDataset` object bin_quantity : str or numpy.ndarray, default='count' Which quantity to bin: - 'count' bins (u,v) points by their count - 'weight' bins points by the data weight (inherited from `dataset`) - 'vis_real' bins points by data Re(V) - 'vis_imag' bins points by data Im(V) - A user-supplied numpy.ndarray to be used as 'weights' in np.histogram bin_label : str, default=None Label for 1d histogram y-axis and 2d histogram colorbar. q_edges : array, optional (default=None), unit=:math:[`k\lambda`] Radial bin edges for the 1d and 2d histogram. If `None`, defaults to 12 log-linearly radial bins over [0, 1.1 * maximum baseline in `dataset`]. phi_edges : array, optional (default=None), unit=[rad] Azimuthal bin edges for the 2d histogram. If `None`, defaults to 16 bins over [-\pi, \pi] q_edges1d : array, optional (default=None), unit=:math:[`k\lambda`] Radial bin edges for a second 1d histogram. If `None`, defaults to 50 bins equispaced over [0, 1.1 * maximum baseline in `dataset`]. show_datapoints : bool, default = False Whether to overplot the raw visibilities in `dataset` on the 2d histogram. save_prefix : string, default = None Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved Returns ------- fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance The generated figure axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class Axes of the generated figure Notes ----- No assumption or correction is made concerning whether the (u,v) distances are projected or deprojected. """ # convert dataset pytorch tensors to numpy for convenience mask_npy = torch2npy(dataset.mask) vis_npy = torch2npy(dataset.vis_indexed) weight_npy = torch2npy(dataset.weight_indexed) # 2D mask for any UV cells that contain visibilities # in *any* channel stacked_mask = np.any(mask_npy, axis=0) # get qs, phis from dataset and turn into 1D lists qs = dataset.coords.packed_q_centers_2D[stacked_mask] phis = dataset.coords.packed_phi_centers_2D[stacked_mask] if isinstance(bin_quantity, np.ndarray): weights = bin_quantity hist_lab = bin_label elif bin_quantity == "count": weights = None hist_lab = "Count" elif bin_quantity == "weight": weights = np.copy(weight_npy) hist_lab = "Weight" elif bin_quantity == "vis_real": weights = np.abs(np.real(vis_npy)) hist_lab = "|Re(V)|" elif bin_quantity == "vis_imag": weights = np.abs(np.imag(vis_npy)) hist_lab = "|Im(V)|" else: supported_q = ["count", "weight", "vis_real", "vis_imag"] raise ValueError( f"`bin_quantity` ({bin_quantity}) must be one of " f"{supported_q}, or a user-provided numpy " " array" ) # buffer to include longest baselines in last bin pad_factor = 1.1 if q_edges1d is None: # 1d histogram with uniform bins q_edges1d = np.arange(0, qs.max() * pad_factor, 50) bin_lab = None if all(np.diff(q_edges1d) == np.diff(q_edges1d)[0]): bin_lab = rf"Bin size {np.diff(q_edges1d)[0]:.0f} k$\lambda$" # 2d histogram bins if q_edges is None: q_edges = loglinspace(0, qs.max() * pad_factor, N_log=8, M_linear=5) if phi_edges is None: phi_edges = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, num=16 + 1) H2d, _, _ = np.histogram2d(qs, phis, weights=weights, bins=[q_edges, phi_edges]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6), tight_layout=True) # 1d histogram with polar plot bins ax0 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax0.hist( qs, q_edges, weights=weights, fc="#A4A4A4", ec=(0, 0, 0, 0.3), label="Polar plot bins", ) ax0.legend() ax0.set_ylabel(hist_lab) # 1d histogram with (by default) uniform bins ax1 = fig.add_subplot(223, sharex=ax0) ax1.hist(qs, q_edges1d, weights=weights, fc="#A93226", label=bin_lab) if bin_lab: ax1.legend() ax1.set_ylabel(hist_lab) ax1.set_xlabel(r"Baseline [k$\lambda$]") # 2d polar histogram ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, polar=True) ax2.set_theta_offset(np.pi / 2) # discrete colormap cmap ="plasma") discrete_colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, 10)) cmap = mco.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(None, discrete_colors, 10) # choose sensible minimum for colormap vmin = max(H2d.flatten()[H2d.flatten() > 0].min(), 1) norm = mco.LogNorm(vmin=vmin) im = ax2.pcolormesh( phi_edges, q_edges, H2d, shading="flat", norm=norm, cmap=cmap, ec=(0, 0, 0, 0.3), lw=0.3, ) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax2, shrink=1.0) cbar.set_label(hist_lab) ax2.set_ylim(top=qs.max() * pad_factor) if show_datapoints: # plot raw visibilities ax2.scatter(phis, qs, s=1.5, rasterized=True, linewidths=0.0, c="k", alpha=0.3) if save_prefix is not None: fig.savefig(save_prefix + "_vis_histogram.png", dpi=300) plt.close() return fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2)
[docs] def split_diagnostics_fig(splitter, channel=0, save_prefix=None): r""" Generate a figure showing (u,v) coverage in train and test sets split from a parent dataset. Parameters ---------- splitter : `mpol.crossval.RandomCellSplitGridded` object Iterator that returns a `(train, test)` pair of `GriddedDataset` for each iteration. channel : int, default=0 Channel (of the datasets in `splitter`) to use to generate figure save_prefix : string, default = None Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved Returns ------- fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance The generated figure axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class Axes of the generated figure Notes ----- No assumption or correction is made concerning whether the (u,v) distances are projected or deprojected. """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=splitter.k, figsize=(10, 3)) cmap_train = mco.ListedColormap(["none", "black"]) cmap_test = mco.ListedColormap(["none", "red"]) kw = {"fontsize": 8} image_kw = {"origin": "lower", "interpolation": "none"} fig.suptitle("Training data: black, test data: red", **kw) for ii, (train, test) in enumerate(splitter): train_mask = torch2npy(train.ground_mask[channel]) test_mask = torch2npy(test.ground_mask[channel]) vis_ext = np.array(train.coords.vis_ext) / 1e6 axes[0, ii].imshow(train_mask, extent=vis_ext, cmap=cmap_train, **image_kw) axes[0, ii].imshow(test_mask, extent=vis_ext, cmap=cmap_test, **image_kw) axes[1, ii].imshow(test_mask, extent=vis_ext, cmap=cmap_test, **image_kw) axes[0, ii].set_title(f"k-fold {ii}", **kw) for aa in axes.flatten()[:-1]: aa.yaxis.set_ticks_position("both") aa.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) aa.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax = axes[1, -1] ax.set_xlabel(r"u [M$\lambda$]", **kw) ax.set_ylabel(r"v [M$\lambda$]", **kw) ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("both") ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") fig.subplots_adjust( hspace=0.02, wspace=0, left=0.03, right=0.92, top=0.9, bottom=0.1 ) if save_prefix is not None: fig.savefig(save_prefix + "_split_diag.png", dpi=300) plt.close() return fig, axes
[docs] def train_diagnostics_fig( model, losses=None, learn_rates=None, fluxes=None, old_model_image=None, old_model_epoch=None, kfold=None, epoch=None, channel=0, save_prefix=None, ): """ Figure for model diagnostics at a given model state during an optimization loop. Plots: - model image - flux of model image - gradient image - difference image between `old_model_image` and current model image - loss function - learning rate Parameters ---------- model : `torch.nn.Module` object A neural network module; instance of the `mpol.precomposed.GriddedNet` class. losses : list Loss value at each epoch in the training loop learn_rates : list Learning rate at each epoch in the training loop fluxes : list Total flux in model image at each epoch in the training loop old_model_image : 2D image array, default=None Model image of a previous epoch for comparison to current image old_model_epoch : int Epoch of `old_model_image` kfold : int, default=None Current cross-validation k-fold epoch : int, default=None Current training epoch channel : int, default=0 Channel (of the datasets in `splitter`) to use to generate figure save_prefix : str, default = None Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved Returns ------- fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance The generated figure axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class Axes of the generated figure """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=2, figsize=(8, 8)) axes[1][1].remove() fig.suptitle( f"Pixel size {model.coords.cell_size * 1e3:.2f} mas, N_pix {model.coords.npix}\nk-fold {kfold}, epoch {epoch}", fontsize=10, ) mod_im = torch2npy(model.icube.sky_cube[channel]) mod_grad = torch2npy(packed_cube_to_sky_cube(model.bcube.base_cube.grad)[channel]) extent = model.icube.coords.img_ext # model image (linear colormap) # ax = axes[0,0] # plot_image(mod_im, extent, ax=ax, xlab='', ylab='') # ax.set_title("Model image") # model image (asinh colormap) ax = axes[0, 0] plot_image( mod_im, extent, ax=ax, xlab="", ylab="", norm=get_image_cmap_norm(mod_im, stretch="asinh"), ) ax.set_title("Model image", fontsize=10) # gradient image ax = axes[1, 0] plot_image(mod_grad, extent, ax=ax) ax.set_title("Gradient image", fontsize=10) if old_model_image is not None: # current model image - model image at last stored epoch ax = axes[0, 1] diff_image = mod_im - old_model_image diff_im_norm = get_image_cmap_norm(diff_image, symmetric=True) plot_image( diff_image, extent, cmap="RdBu_r", ax=ax, xlab="", ylab="", norm=diff_im_norm, ) ax.set_title(f"Difference (epoch {epoch} - {old_model_epoch})", fontsize=10) if losses is not None: # loss function ax = fig.add_subplot(426) ax.semilogy(losses, "k", label=f"{losses[-1]:.3f}") ax.legend(loc="upper right") ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelbottom=False) ax.set_ylabel("Loss") if learn_rates is not None: # learning rate ax = fig.add_subplot(428) ax.plot(learn_rates, "k", label=f"{learn_rates[-1]:.3e}") ax.legend(loc="upper right") ax.set_xlabel("Epoch") ax.set_ylabel("Learn rate") plt.tight_layout() if fluxes is not None: # total flux in model image ax = fig.add_axes([0.08, 0.465, 0.3, 0.08]) ax.plot(fluxes, "k", label=f"{fluxes[-1]:.4f}") ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=8) ax.tick_params(labelsize=8) # ax.set_xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel("Flux [Jy]", fontsize=8) if save_prefix is not None: fig.savefig( save_prefix + f"_train_diag_kfold{kfold}_epoch{epoch:05d}.png", dpi=300 ) plt.close() return fig, axes
[docs] def crossval_diagnostics_fig(cv, title="", save_prefix=None): """ Figure for model diagnostics of a cross-validation run. Plots: - loss evolution for each k-fold - cross-validation score per k-fold Parameters ---------- cv : `mpol.crossval.CrossValidate` object Instance of the `CrossValidate` class produced by a cross-validation loop title : str, default="" Figure super-title save_prefix : string, default = None Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved Returns ------- fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance The generated figure axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class Axes of the generated figure """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(6, 3)) title += f"\nRegularizers {cv.regularizers}\nSplit method: {cv.split_method}, CV score {cv.score['mean']:.3f} +- {cv.score['std']:.3f}" fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=6) axes[0].plot(cv.score["all"], "k.") axes[0].axhline(y=cv.score["mean"], c="r", ls="--", label=r"$\mu$") axes[0].axhline( y=cv.score["mean"] + cv.score["std"], c="c", ls=":", label=r"$\pm 1 \sigma$" ) axes[0].axhline(y=cv.score["mean"] - cv.score["std"], c="c", ls=":") for i, l in enumerate(cv.diagnostics["loss_histories"]): axes[1].loglog(l, label=f"k-fold {i}") axes[0].legend(fontsize=6) axes[0].set_xlabel("k-fold") axes[0].set_ylabel("Score") axes[1].legend(fontsize=6) axes[1].set_xlabel("Epoch") axes[1].set_ylabel("Loss") plt.tight_layout() if save_prefix is not None: fig.savefig(save_prefix + "_crossval_diagnostics.png", dpi=300) plt.close() return fig, axes
# def image_comparison_fig( # model, # u, # v, # V, # weights, # robust=0.5, # clean_fits=None, # share_cscale=False, # xzoom=[None, None], # yzoom=[None, None], # title="", # channel=0, # save_prefix=None, # ): # """ # Figure for comparison of MPoL model image to other image models. # Plots: # - dirty image # - MPoL model image # - MPoL residual visibilities imaged # - clean image (if a .fits file is supplied) # Parameters # ---------- # model : `torch.nn.Module` object # A neural network; instance of the `mpol.precomposed.GriddedNet` class. # u, v : array, unit=[k\lambda] # Data u- and v-coordinates # V : array, unit=[Jy] # Data visibility amplitudes # weights : array, unit=[Jy^-2] # Data weights # robust : float, default=0.5 # Robust weighting parameter used to create the dirty image of the # observed visibilities and separately of the MPoL residual visibilities # clean_fits : str, default=None # Path to a clean .fits image # share_cscale : bool, default=False # Whether the MPoL model image, dirty image and clean image share the # same colorscale # xzoom, yzoom : list of float, default = [None, None] # X- and y- axis limits to zoom the images to. `xzoom` and `yzoom` should # both list values in ascending order (e.g. [-2, 3], not [3, -2]) # title : str, default="" # Figure super-title # channel : int, default=0 # Channel of the model to use to generate figure # save_prefix : string, default = None # Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved # Returns # ------- # fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance # The generated figure # axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class # Axes of the generated figure # """ # fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 10)) # title += f"\nMPoL pixel size {model.coords.cell_size * 1e3:.2f} mas, N_pix {model.coords.npix}" # if share_cscale: # title += "\nDirty and clean images use colorscale of MPoL image" # fig.suptitle(title) # # get MPoL model image # mod_im = torch2npy(model.icube.sky_cube[channel]) # total_flux = model.coords.cell_size**2 * np.sum(mod_im) # # get imaged MPoL residual visibilities # im_resid, norm_resid = get_residual_image(model, u, v, V, weights, robust=robust) # # get dirty image # imager = DirtyImager( # coords=model.coords, uu=u, vv=v, weight=weights, data_re=V.real, data_im=V.imag # ) # dirty_im, dirty_beam = imager.get_dirty_image( # weighting="briggs", robust=robust, unit="Jy/arcsec^2" # ) # dirty_im = np.squeeze(dirty_im) # # get clean image and beam # if clean_fits is not None: # fits_obj = ProcessFitsImage(clean_fits) # clean_im, clean_im_ext, clean_beam = fits_obj.get_image(beam=True) # # set image colorscales # norm_mod = get_image_cmap_norm(mod_im, stretch="asinh") # if share_cscale: # norm_dirty = norm_clean = norm_mod # else: # norm_dirty = get_image_cmap_norm(dirty_im, stretch="asinh") # if clean_fits is not None: # norm_clean = get_image_cmap_norm(clean_im, stretch="asinh") # # MPoL model image # plot_image( # mod_im, # extent=model.icube.coords.img_ext, # ax=axes[0][1], # norm=norm_mod, # xlab="", # ylab="", # ) # # imaged MPoL residual visibilities # plot_image( # im_resid, # extent=model.icube.coords.img_ext, # ax=axes[1][1], # norm=norm_resid, # cmap="RdBu_r", # xlab="", # ylab="", # ) # # dirty image # plot_image( # dirty_im, extent=model.icube.coords.img_ext, ax=axes[0][0], norm=norm_dirty # ) # # clean image # if clean_fits is not None: # plot_image( # clean_im, # extent=clean_im_ext, # ax=axes[1][0], # norm=norm_clean, # xlab="", # ylab="", # ) # # add clean beam to plot # if any(xzoom) and any(yzoom): # beam_xy = (0.85 * xzoom[1], 0.85 * yzoom[0]) # else: # beam_xy = (0.85 * axes[1][0].get_xlim()[1], 0.85 * axes[1][0].get_ylim()[0]) # beam_ellipse = Ellipse( # xy=beam_xy, # width=clean_beam[0], # height=clean_beam[1], # angle=-clean_beam[2], # color="w", # ) # axes[1][0].add_artist(beam_ellipse) # if any(xzoom) and any(yzoom): # for ii in [0, 1]: # for jj in [0, 1]: # axes[ii][jj].set_xlim(xzoom[1], xzoom[0]) # axes[ii][jj].set_ylim(yzoom[0], yzoom[1]) # axes[0][0].set_title(f"Dirty image (robust {robust})") # axes[0][1].set_title(f"MPoL image (flux {total_flux:.4f} Jy)") # axes[1][1].set_title(f"MPoL residual V imaged (robust {robust})") # if clean_fits is not None: # axes[1][0].set_title( # f"Clean image (beam {clean_beam[0] * 1e3:.0f} $\\times$ {clean_beam[1] * 1e3:.0f} mas)" # ) # plt.tight_layout() # if save_prefix is not None: # fig.savefig(save_prefix + "_image_comparison.png", dpi=300) # plt.close() # return fig, axes
[docs] def vis_1d_fig( model, uu, vv, V, weights, geom=None, rescale_flux=False, bin_width=20e6, q_logx=True, title="", channel=0, save_prefix=None, ): r""" Figure for comparison of 1D projected MPoL model visibilities and observed visibilities. Plots: - Re(V): observed and MPoL model (projected unless `geom` is supplied) - Residual Re(V): observed - MPoL model (projected unless `geom` is supplied) - Im(V): observed and MPoL model (projected unless `geom` is supplied) - Residual Im(V): observed - MPoL model (projected unless `geom` is supplied) Parameters ---------- model : `torch.nn.Module` object A neural network; instance of the `mpol.precomposed.GriddedNet` class. uu, vv : array, unit=[:math:`\lambda`] Data u- and v-coordinates V : array, unit=[Jy] Data visibility amplitudes weights : array, unit=[Jy^-2] Data weights geom : dict Dictionary of source geometry. If passed in, visibilities will be deprojected prior to plotting. Keys: "incl" : float, unit=[deg] Inclination "Omega" : float, unit=[deg] Position angle of the ascending node "omega" : float, unit=[deg] Argument of periastron "dRA" : float, unit=[arcsec] Phase center offset in right ascension. Positive is west of north. "dDec" : float, unit=[arcsec] Phase center offset in declination. rescale_flux : bool If True, the visibility amplitudes are rescaled to account for the difference between the inclined (observed) brightness and the assumed face-on brightness, assuming the emission is optically thick. The source's integrated (2D) flux is assumed to be: :math:`F = \cos(i) \int_r^{r=R}{I(r) 2 \pi r dr}`. No rescaling would be appropriate in the optically thin limit. bin_width : float, default=20e3 Bin size [:math:`\lambda`] for baselines q_logx : bool, default=True Whether to plot visibilities in log-baseline title : str, default="" Figure super-title channel : int, default=0 Channel of the model to use to generate figure save_prefix : string, default = None Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved Returns ------- fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance The generated figure axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class Axes of the generated figure Notes ----- This routine requires the `frank <>`_ package """ from frank.geometry import apply_phase_shift, deproject from frank.utilities import UVDataBinner # get MPoL residual and model visibilities Vmod = model.predict_loose_visibilities(uu, vv) Vresid = V - Vmod if geom is not None: # phase-shift the visibilities V = apply_phase_shift( uu, vv, V, geom["dRA"], geom["dDec"], inverse=True ) Vmod = apply_phase_shift( uu, vv, Vmod, geom["dRA"], geom["dDec"], inverse=True ) Vresid = apply_phase_shift( uu, vv, Vresid, geom["dRA"], geom["dDec"], inverse=True ) # deproject the (u,v) points uu, vv, _ = deproject(uu, vv, geom["incl"], geom["Omega"]) # if the source is optically thick, rescale the deprojected V(q) if rescale_flux: V.real /= np.cos(geom["incl"] * np.pi / 180) Vmod.real /= np.cos(geom["incl"] * np.pi / 180) Vresid.real /= np.cos(geom["incl"] * np.pi / 180) weights *= np.cos(geom["incl"] * np.pi / 180) ** 2 # bin projected observed visibilities # (`UVDataBinner` expects `u`, `v` in [lambda]) binned_Vtrue = UVDataBinner(np.hypot(uu, vv), V, weights, bin_width) # bin projected model and residual visibilities binned_Vmod = UVDataBinner(np.hypot(uu, vv), Vmod, weights, bin_width) binned_Vresid = UVDataBinner(np.hypot(uu, vv), Vresid, weights, bin_width) # baselines [Mlambda] qq = binned_Vtrue.uv / 1e6 amax_binVres_re = np.max(abs(binned_Vresid.V.real)) amax_binVres_im = np.max(abs(binned_Vresid.V.imag)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 8)) if geom is None: title += "\nProjected visibilities" else: title += "\nDeprojected visibilities" if rescale_flux: title += "\nRe(V) and weights rescaled for optically thick source" fig.suptitle(title) # *projected* Re(V) -- observed and MPoL model axes[0].plot( qq, binned_Vtrue.V.real * 1e3, "k.", label=f"Obs., {bin_width / 1e3:.2f} k$\\lambda$ bins", ) axes[0].plot(qq, binned_Vmod.V.real * 1e3, "r.", label="MPoL") axes[0].legend() # *projected* Im(V) -- observed and MPoL model axes[2].plot(qq, binned_Vtrue.V.imag * 1e3, "k.") axes[2].plot(qq, binned_Vmod.V.imag * 1e3, "r.") # *projected* residual Re(V) = observed - MPoL model axes[1].plot( qq, binned_Vresid.V.real * 1e3, ".", c="#33C1FF", label=f"Mean {np.mean(binned_Vresid.V.real) * 1e3:.1e} mJy", ) axes[1].legend() # *projected* residual Im(V) = observed - MPoL model axes[3].plot( qq, binned_Vresid.V.imag * 1e3, ".", c="#33C1FF", label=f"Mean {np.mean(binned_Vresid.V.imag) * 1e3:.1e} mJy", ) axes[3].legend() # y-lims on residual plots symmetric about 0 axes[1].set_ylim(-amax_binVres_re * 1e3, amax_binVres_re * 1e3) axes[3].set_ylim(-amax_binVres_im * 1e3, amax_binVres_im * 1e3) axes[1].axhline(y=0, ls="--", c="k") axes[3].axhline(y=0, ls="--", c="k") for ii in range(4): axes[ii].set_xlim(0.9 * np.min(qq), 1.1 * np.max(qq)) if q_logx: axes[ii].set_xscale("log") if ii < 3: axes[ii].xaxis.set_tick_params(labelbottom=False) axes[0].set_ylabel("Re(V) [mJy]") axes[1].set_ylabel("Resid. Re(V) [mJy]") axes[2].set_ylabel("Im(V) [mJy]") axes[3].set_ylabel("Resid. Im(V) [mJy]") axes[3].set_xlabel(r"Baseline [M$\lambda$]") plt.tight_layout() if save_prefix is not None: if geom is None: suffix = "_projected_" else: suffix = "_deprojected_" if rescale_flux is True: suffix += "rescaled_" fig.savefig(save_prefix + suffix + "visibilities.png", dpi=300) plt.close() return fig, axes
[docs] def radial_fig( model, geom, u=None, v=None, V=None, weights=None, dist=None, rescale_flux=False, bin_width=20e3, q_logx=True, title="", channel=0, save_prefix=None, ): r""" Figure for analysis of 1D (radial) brightness profile of MPoL model image, using a user-supplied geometry. Plots: - MPoL model image - 1D (radial) brightness profile extracted from MPoL image (supply `dist` to show second x-axis in [AU]) - Deprojectd Re(V): binned MPoL model and observations (if u, v, V, weights supplied) - Deprojected Im(V): binned MPoL model and observations (if u, v, V, weights supplied) Parameters ---------- model : `torch.nn.Module` object A neural network; instance of the `mpol.precomposed.GriddedNet` class. geom : dict Dictionary of source geometry. Used to deproject image and visibilities. Keys: "incl" : float, unit=[deg] Inclination "Omega" : float, unit=[deg] Position angle of the ascending node "omega" : float, unit=[deg] Argument of periastron "dRA" : float, unit=[arcsec] Phase center offset in right ascension. Positive is west of north. "dDec" : float, unit=[arcsec] Phase center offset in declination. u, v : array, optional, unit=[:math:`\lambda`], default=None Data u- and v-coordinates V : array, optional, unit=[Jy], default=None Data visibility amplitudes weights : array, optional, unit=[Jy^-2], default=None Data weights dist : float, optional, unit = [AU], default = None Distance to source, used to show second x-axis for I(r) in [AU] rescale_flux : bool If True, the visibility amplitudes are rescaled to account for the difference between the inclined (observed) brightness and the assumed face-on brightness, assuming the emission is optically thick. The source's integrated (2D) flux is assumed to be: :math:`F = \cos(i) \int_r^{r=R}{I(r) 2 \pi r dr}`. No rescaling would be appropriate in the optically thin limit. bin_width : float, default=20e3 Bin size [klambda] in which to bin observed visibility points q_logx : bool, default=True Whether to plot visibilities in log-baseline title : str, default="" Figure super-title channel : int, default=0 Channel of the model to use to generate figure save_prefix : string, default = None Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved Returns ------- fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance The generated figure axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class Axes of the generated figure Notes ----- This routine requires the `frank <>`_ package """ if not any(x is None for x in [u, v, V, weights]): from frank.geometry import apply_phase_shift, deproject from frank.utilities import UVDataBinner # phase-shift the observed visibilities V = apply_phase_shift( u, v, V, geom["dRA"], geom["dDec"], inverse=True ) # deproject the observed (u,v) points u, v, _ = deproject(u, v, geom["incl"], geom["Omega"]) # if the source is optically thick, rescale the deprojected V(q) if rescale_flux: V.real /= np.cos(geom["incl"] * np.pi / 180) weights *= np.cos(geom["incl"] * np.pi / 180) ** 2 # bin observed visibilities # (`UVDataBinner` expects `u`, `v` in [lambda]) binned_Vtrue = UVDataBinner(np.hypot(u, v), V, weights, bin_width) # model radial image profile rs, Is = radialI(model.icube, geom) # model radial visibility profile q_mod, V_mod = radialV(model.fcube, geom, rescale_flux=rescale_flux) # MPoL model image mod_im = torch2npy(model.icube.sky_cube[channel]) total_flux = model.coords.cell_size**2 * np.sum(mod_im) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 10)) axes = axes.ravel() title += f"\nGeometry (units: deg, arcsec):\n{geom}" fig.suptitle(title) # MPoL model image norm_mod = get_image_cmap_norm(mod_im, stretch="asinh") plot_image(mod_im, extent=model.icube.coords.img_ext, ax=axes[0], norm=norm_mod) # MPoL model I(r_arcsec) axes[2].plot(rs, Is, "r-", label="MPoL") axes[2].legend() # I(r_AU) if dist is not None: ax2top = axes[2].twiny() ax2top.plot(rs * dist, Is, "r-") # Re(V) -- observed and MPoL model if not any(x is None for x in [u, v, V, weights]): axes[1].plot( binned_Vtrue.uv / 1e6, binned_Vtrue.V.real * 1e3, "k.", label=f"Obs., {bin_width / 1e3:.2f} k$\\lambda$ bins", ) axes[1].plot(q_mod / 1e3, V_mod.real * 1e3, "r.-", label="MPoL") axes[1].legend() # Im(V) -- observed and MPoL model if not any(x is None for x in [u, v, V, weights]): axes[3].plot(binned_Vtrue.uv / 1e6, binned_Vtrue.V.imag * 1e3, "k.") axes[3].plot(q_mod / 1e3, V_mod.imag * 1e3, "r.-") for ii in [1, 3]: if q_logx: axes[ii].set_xscale("log") if not any(x is None for x in [u, v]): q_obs = np.hypot(u, v) axes[ii].set_xlim(right=1.1 * np.max(q_obs) / 1e3) else: axes[ii].set_xlim(right=1.1 * np.max(q_mod) / 1e3) axes[0].set_title(f"MPoL image (flux {total_flux:.4f} Jy)") axes[2].set_ylabel(r"I [Jy / arcsec$^2$]") axes[2].set_xlabel(r"r [arcsec]") if dist is not None: ax2top.spines["top"].set_color("#1A9E46") ax2top.tick_params(axis="x", which="both", colors="#1A9E46") ax2top.set_xlabel("r [AU]", color="#1A9E46") xlims = axes[2].get_xlim() ax2top.set_xlim(np.multiply(xlims, dist)) axes[1].xaxis.set_tick_params(labelbottom=False) axes[1].set_ylabel("Re(V) [mJy]") axes[3].set_ylabel("Im(V) [mJy]") axes[3].set_xlabel(r"Baseline [M$\lambda$]") plt.tight_layout() if save_prefix is not None: fig.savefig(save_prefix + "_radial_profiles.png", dpi=300) plt.close() return fig, axes