Source code for mpol.utils

import math
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import torch

from mpol.constants import arcsec, cc, deg, kB

[docs] def torch2npy(t: torch.Tensor) -> npt.NDArray: """ Copy a tensor (potentially on the GPU) to the CPU and convert to a numpy :class:`np.ndarray`, e.g., for visualization or further analysis with non-PyTorch scientific libraries. Parameters ---------- t : torch.Tensor Returns _______ np.ndarray """ t_cpu: torch.Tensor = t.detach().cpu() t_np: np.ndarray = t_cpu.numpy() return t_np
[docs] def ground_cube_to_packed_cube(ground_cube: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Converts a Ground Cube to a Packed Visibility Cube for visibility-plane work. See Units and Conventions for more details. Args: ground_cube: a previously initialized Ground Cube object (cube (3D torch tensor of shape ``(nchan, npix, npix)``)) Returns: torch.double : 3D image cube of shape ``(nchan, npix, npix)``; The resulting array after applying ``torch.fft.fftshift`` to the input arg; i.e Returns a Packed Visibility Cube. """ shifted: torch.Tensor = torch.fft.fftshift(ground_cube, dim=(1, 2)) return shifted
[docs] def packed_cube_to_ground_cube(packed_cube: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Converts a Packed Visibility Cube to a Ground Cube for visibility-plane work. See Units and Conventions for more details. Args: packed_cube: a previously initialized Packed Cube object (cube (3D torch tensor of shape ``(nchan, npix, npix)``)) Returns: torch.double : 3D image cube of shape ``(nchan, npix, npix)``; The resulting array after applying ``torch.fft.fftshift`` to the input arg; i.e Returns a Ground Cube. """ # fftshift the image cube to the correct quadrants shifted: torch.Tensor = torch.fft.fftshift(packed_cube, dim=(1, 2)) return shifted
[docs] def sky_cube_to_packed_cube(sky_cube: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Converts a Sky Cube to a Packed Image Cube for image-plane work. See Units and Conventions for more details. Args: sky_cube: a previously initialized Sky Cube object with RA increasing to the *left* (cube (3D torch tensor of shape ``(nchan, npix, npix)``)) Returns: torch.double : 3D image cube of shape ``(nchan, npix, npix)``; The resulting array after applying ``torch.fft.fftshift`` to the ``torch.flip()`` of the RA axis; i.e Returns a Packed Image Cube. """ flipped = torch.flip(sky_cube, (2,)) shifted: torch.Tensor = torch.fft.fftshift(flipped, dim=(1, 2)) return shifted
[docs] def packed_cube_to_sky_cube(packed_cube: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Converts a Packed Image Cube to a Sky Cube for image-plane work. See Units and Conventions for more details. Args: packed_cube: a previously initialized Packed Image Cube object (cube (3D torch tensor of shape ``(nchan, npix, npix)``)) Returns: torch.double : 3D image cube of shape ``(nchan, npix, npix)``; The resulting array after applying ``torch.fft.fftshift`` to the ``torch.flip()`` of the RA axis; i.e Returns a Sky Cube. """ # fftshift the image cube to the correct quadrants shifted = torch.fft.fftshift(packed_cube, dim=(1, 2)) # flip so that east points left flipped = torch.flip(shifted, (2,)) return flipped
[docs] def get_Jy_arcsec2(T_b: float, nu: float = 230e9) -> float: r""" Calculate specific intensity from the brightness temperature, using the Rayleigh-Jeans definition. Args: T_b : brightness temperature in [:math:`K`] nu : frequency (in Hz) Returns: float: specific intensity (in [:math:`\mathrm{Jy}\, \mathrm{arcsec}^2]`) """ # brightness temperature assuming RJ limit # units of ergs/s/cm^2/Hz/ster I_nu = T_b * 2 * nu**2 * kB / cc**2 # convert to Jy/ster Jy_ster = I_nu * 1e23 # convert to Jy/arcsec^2 Jy_arcsec2 = Jy_ster * arcsec**2 return Jy_arcsec2
[docs] def loglinspace( start: float, end: float, N_log: int, M_linear: int = 3 ) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]: r""" Return a logspaced array of bin edges, with the first ``M_linear`` cells being equal width. There is a one-cell overlap between the linear and logarithmic stretches of the array, since the last linear cell is also the first logarithmic cell, which means the total number of cells is ``M_linear + N_log - 1``. Parameters ---------- start : float starting cell left edge end : float ending cell right edge N_log : int number of logarithmically spaced bins M_linear : int number of linearly (equally) spaced bins Returns ------- np.ndarray logspaced bin edges """ # transition cell left edge a = end / 10 ** (N_log * np.log10(M_linear / (M_linear - 1))) delta = a / (M_linear - 1) # linear cell width # logspace = 10^(log10(a) + i * Delta) Delta = np.log10(end / a) / N_log # log cell width exponent cell_walls = [] for i in range(M_linear): cell_walls.append(start + delta * i) for j in range(1, N_log + 1): cell_walls.append(10 ** (np.log10(a) + Delta * j)) return np.array(cell_walls)
[docs] def fftspace(width: float, N: int) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]: """Delivers a (nearly) symmetric coordinate array that spans :math:`N` elements (where :math:`N` is even) from `-width` to `+width`, but ensures that the middle point lands on :math:`0`. The array indices go from :math:`0` to :math:`N -1.` Args: width (float): the width of the array N (int): the number of elements in the array Returns: numpy.float64 1D array: the fftspace array """ assert N % 2 == 0, "N must be even." dx = width * 2.0 / N xx = np.empty(N, "float") for i in range(N): xx[i] = -width + i * dx return xx
[docs] def check_baselines(q, min_feasible_q=1e3, max_feasible_q=1e8): r""" Check if baseline lengths are sensible for expected code unit of [:math:`\lambda`], or if instead they're being supplied in [:math:`\mathrm{k}\lambda`]. Parameters ---------- q : array, unit = :math:`\lambda` Baseline distribution (all values must be non-negative). min_feasible_q : float, unit = :math:`\lambda`, default=1e3 Minimum baseline in code units expected for a dataset. The default value of 1e3 is a conservative value for ALMA, assuming a minimum antenna separation of ~12 m and maximum observing wavelength of 3.6 mm. max_feasible_q : float, unit = :math:`\lambda`, default=1e8 Maximum baseline in code units expected for a dataset. The default value of 1e8 is a conservative value for ALMA, assuming a maximum antenna separation of ~16 km and minimum observing wavelength of 0.3 mm. """ assert np.all(q >= 0), "All baselines should be >=0." if max(q) > max_feasible_q: raise Warning( f"Maximum baseline of {max(q):.1e} is > maximum expected " f"value of {max_feasible_q:.1e}. Baselines must be in units of " "[klambda], but it looks like they're in " "[lambda]." ) if min(q) > min_feasible_q * 1e3: raise Warning( "Minimum baseline of {:.1e} is large for expected " "minimum value of {:.1e}. Baselines must be in units of " "[lambda]".format(min(q), min_feasible_q * 1e3) )
[docs] def get_max_spatial_freq(cell_size: float, npix: int) -> float: r""" Calculate the maximum spatial frequency that the image can represent and still satisfy the Nyquist Sampling theorem. Parameters ---------- cell_size : float the pixel size in arcseconds npix : int the number of pixels in the image Returns ------- float the maximum spatial frequency contained in the image [:math:`\lambda`] """ # technically this is as straightforward as doing 1/(2 * cell_size), but for even-sized # arrays, the highest *positive* spatial frequency is (npix/2 - 1) / (npix * cell_size) # it is the most negative spatial frequency that goes to - 1/(2 * cell_size) return (npix / 2 - 1) / (npix * cell_size * arcsec) # λ
[docs] def get_maximum_cell_size(uu_vv_point: float) -> float: r""" Calculate the maximum possible cell_size that will still Nyquist sample the uu or vv point. Note: not q point. Args: uu_vv_point (float): a single spatial frequency. Units of [:math:`\lambda`]. Returns: cell_size (in arcsec) """ return 1 / ((2 - 1) * uu_vv_point) / arcsec
[docs] def get_optimal_image_properties( image_width: float, u: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, ) -> tuple[float, int]: r""" For an image of desired width, determine the maximum pixel size that ensures Nyquist sampling of the provided spatial frequency points, and the corresponding number of pixels to obtain the desired image width. Parameters ---------- image_width : float, unit = arcsec Desired width of the image (for a square image of size `image_width` :math:`\times` `image_width`). u, v : :class:`torch.Tensor` , unit = :math:`\lambda` `u` and `v` baselines. Returns ------- cell_size : float, unit = arcsec Image pixel size required to Nyquist sample. npix : int Number of pixels of cell_size to equal (or slightly exceed) the image width (npix will be rounded up and enforced as even). Notes ----- Assumes baselines are as-observed. """ max_freq = torch.max(torch.abs(torch.concat([u, v]))) cell_size = get_maximum_cell_size(max_freq.item()) # round npix up to nearest integer npix = math.ceil(image_width / cell_size) # account for Nyquist of proposed cell_size, npix cell_size *= cell_size / get_maximum_cell_size( get_max_spatial_freq(cell_size, npix) ) npix = math.ceil(image_width / cell_size) # enforce that npix be even if npix % 2 == 1: npix += 1 # should never occur assert ( get_max_spatial_freq(cell_size, npix) >= max_freq ), "error in get_optimal_image_properties" return cell_size, npix
[docs] def sky_gaussian_radians( l: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], m: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], a: float, delta_l: float, delta_m: float, sigma_l: float, sigma_m: float, Omega: float, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]: r""" Calculates a 2D Gaussian on the sky plane with inputs in radians. The Gaussian is centered at ``delta_l, delta_m``, has widths of ``sigma_l, sigma_m``, and is rotated ``Omega`` degrees East of North. To evaluate the Gaussian, internally first we translate to center .. math:: l' = l - \delta_l\\ m' = m - \delta_m then rotate coordinates .. math:: l'' = l' \cos \phi - m' \sin \phi \\ m'' = l' \sin \phi + m' \cos \phi and then evaluate the Gaussian .. math:: f_\mathrm{g}(l,m) = a \exp \left ( - \frac{1}{2} \left [ \left (\frac{l''}{\sigma_l} \right)^2 + \left( \frac{m''}{\sigma_m} \right )^2 \right ] \right ) Args: l: units of [radians] m: units of [radians] a : amplitude prefactor delta_l : offset [radians] delta_m : offset [radians] sigma_l : width [radians] sigma_m : width [radians] Omega : position angle of ascending node [degrees] east of north. Returns: 2D Gaussian evaluated at input args with peak amplitude :math:`a` """ # translate lt = l - delta_l mt = m - delta_m # rotate lp = lt * np.cos(Omega * deg) - mt * np.sin(Omega * deg) mp = lt * np.sin(Omega * deg) + mt * np.cos(Omega * deg) gauss: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]] = a * np.exp( -0.5 * ((lp / sigma_l) ** 2 + (mp / sigma_m) ** 2) ) return gauss
[docs] def sky_gaussian_arcsec( x: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], y: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], a: float, delta_x: float, delta_y: float, sigma_x: float, sigma_y: float, Omega: float, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]: r""" Calculates a Gaussian on the sky plane using inputs in arcsec. This is a convenience wrapper to :func:`~mpol.utils.sky_gaussian_radians` that automatically converts from arcsec to radians. Args: x: equivalent to l, but in units of [arcsec] y: equivalent to m, but in units of [arcsec] a : amplitude prefactor delta_x : offset [arcsec] delta_y : offset [arcsec] sigma_x : width [arcsec] sigma_y : width [arcsec] Omega : position angle of ascending node [degrees] east of north. Returns: 2D Gaussian evaluated at input args with peak amplitude :math:`a` """ return sky_gaussian_radians( x * arcsec, y * arcsec, a, delta_x * arcsec, delta_y * arcsec, sigma_x * arcsec, sigma_y * arcsec, Omega, )
[docs] def fourier_gaussian_lambda_radians( u: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], v: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], a: float, delta_l: float, delta_m: float, sigma_l: float, sigma_m: float, Omega: float, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]: r""" Calculate the Fourier plane Gaussian :math:`F_\mathrm{g}(u,v)` corresponding to the Sky plane Gaussian :math:`f_\mathrm{g}(l,m)` in :func:`~mpol.utils.sky_gaussian_radians`, using analytical relationships. The Fourier Gaussian is parameterized using the sky plane centroid (``delta_l, delta_m``), widths (``sigma_l, sigma_m``) and rotation (``Omega``). Assumes that ``a`` was in units of :math:`\mathrm{Jy}/\mathrm{steradian}`. Args: u: l in units of [lambda] v: m in units of [lambda] a : amplitude prefactor, units of :math:`\mathrm{Jy}/\mathrm{steradian}`. delta_x : offset [radians] delta_y : offset [radians] sigma_x : width [radians] sigma_y : width [radians] Omega : position angle of ascending node [degrees] east of north. Returns: 2D Gaussian evaluated at input args The following is a description of how we derived the analytical relationships. In what follows, all :math:`l` and :math:`m` coordinates are assumed to be in units of radians and all :math:`u` and :math:`v` coordinates are assumed to be in units of :math:`\lambda`. We start from Fourier dual relationships in Bracewell's `The Fourier Transform and Its Applications <>`_ .. math:: f_0(l, m) \leftrightharpoons F_0(u, v) where the sky-plane and Fourier-plane Gaussians are .. math:: f_0(l,m) = a \exp \left ( -\pi [l^2 + m^2] \right) and .. math:: F_0(u,v) = a \exp \left ( -\pi [u^2 + v^2] \right), respectively. The sky-plane Gaussian has a maximum value of :math:`a`. We will use the similarity, rotation, and shift theorems to turn :math:`f_0` into a form matching :math:`f_\mathrm{g}`, which simultaneously turns :math:`F_0` into :math:`F_\mathrm{g}(u,v)`. The similarity theorem states that (in 1D) .. math:: f(bl) = \frac{1}{|b|}F\left(\frac{u}{b}\right). First, we scale :math:`f_0` to include sigmas. Let .. math:: f_1(l, m) = a \exp \left(-\frac{1}{2} \left [\left(\frac{l}{\sigma_l}\right)^2 + \left( \frac{m}{\sigma_m} \right)^2 \right] \right). i.e., something we might call a normalized Gaussian function. Phrased in terms of :math:`f_0`, :math:`f_1` is .. math:: f_1(l, m) = f_0\left ( \frac{l}{\sigma_l \sqrt{2 \pi}},\, \frac{m}{\sigma_m \sqrt{2 \pi}}\right). Therefore, according to the similarity theorem, the equivalent :math:`F_1(u,v)` is .. math:: F_1(u, v) = \sigma_l \sigma_m 2 \pi F_0 \left( \sigma_l \sqrt{2 \pi} u,\, \sigma_m \sqrt{2 \pi} v \right), or .. math:: F_1(u, v) = a \sigma_l \sigma_m 2 \pi \exp \left ( -2 \pi^2 [\sigma_l^2 u^2 + \sigma_m^2 v^2] \right). Next, we rotate the Gaussian to match the sky plane rotation. A rotation :math:`\Omega` in the sky plane is carried out in the same direction in the Fourier plane, .. math:: u' = u \cos \Omega - v \sin \Omega \\ v' = u \sin \Omega + v \cos \Omega such that .. math:: f_2(l, m) = f_1(l', m') \\ F_2(u, v) = F_1(u', m') Finally, we translate the sky plane Gaussian by amounts :math:`\delta_l`, :math:`\delta_m`, which corresponds to a phase shift in the Fourier plane Gaussian. The image plane translation is .. math:: f_3(l,m) = f_2(l - \delta_l, m - \delta_m) According to the shift theorem, the equivalent :math:`F_3(u,v)` is .. math:: F_3(u,v) = \exp\left (- 2 i \pi [\delta_l u + \delta_m v] \right) F_2(u,v) We have arrived at the corresponding Fourier Gaussian, :math:`F_\mathrm{g}(u,v) = F_3(u,v)`. The simplified equation is .. math:: F_\mathrm{g}(u,v) = a \sigma_l \sigma_m 2 \pi \exp \left ( -2 \pi^2 \left [\sigma_l^2 u'^2 + \sigma_m^2 v'^2 \right] - 2 i \pi \left [\delta_l u + \delta_m v \right] \right). N.B. that we have mixed primed (:math:`u'`) and unprimed (:math:`u`) coordinates in the same equation for brevity. Finally, the same Fourier dual relationship holds .. math:: f_\mathrm{g}(l,m) \leftrightharpoons F_\mathrm{g}(u,v) """ # calculate primed rotated coordinates up = u * np.cos(Omega * deg) - v * np.sin(Omega * deg) vp = u * np.sin(Omega * deg) + v * np.cos(Omega * deg) # calculate the Fourier Gaussian fgauss: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]] = ( a * sigma_l * sigma_m * 2 * np.pi * np.exp( -2 * np.pi**2 * (sigma_l**2 * up**2 + sigma_m**2 * vp**2) - 2.0j * np.pi * (delta_l * u + delta_m * v) ) ) return fgauss
[docs] def fourier_gaussian_lambda_arcsec( u: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], v: npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]], a: float, delta_x: float, delta_y: float, sigma_x: float, sigma_y: float, Omega: float, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.floating[Any]]: r""" Calculate the Fourier plane Gaussian :math:`F_\mathrm{g}(u,v)` corresponding to the Sky plane Gaussian :math:`f_\mathrm{g}(l,m)` in :func:`~mpol.utils.sky_gaussian_arcsec`, using analytical relationships. The Fourier Gaussian is parameterized using the sky plane centroid (``delta_l, delta_m``), widths (``sigma_l, sigma_m``) and rotation (``Omega``). Assumes that ``a`` was in units of :math:`\mathrm{Jy}/\mathrm{arcsec}^2`. Args: u: l in units of [lambda] v: m in units of [lambda] a : amplitude prefactor, units of :math:`\mathrm{Jy}/\mathrm{arcsec}^2`. delta_x : offset [arcsec] delta_y : offset [arcsec] sigma_x : width [arcsec] sigma_y : width [arcsec] Omega : position angle of ascending node [degrees] east of north. Returns: 2D Fourier Gaussian evaluated at input args """ # convert the parameters and feed to the core routine return fourier_gaussian_lambda_radians( u, v, a / arcsec**2, delta_x * arcsec, delta_y * arcsec, sigma_x * arcsec, sigma_y * arcsec, Omega, )